Carrer del Dr. Dou, 10, 08001 Barcelona +34 933 01 29 40


The Mamacafé Restaurant was born by the Aparicio Pons brothers in 2005, from the beginning they wanted to create a cozy and pleasant restaurant model, but they also wanted to give it a different touch, so they decided to install it in a venue used to exhibit artwork and turn it into a family-owned restaurant where you can see true contemporary art




  • Mamacafé
  • 14,50 Euros
  • -First
  • -Second
  • -Dessert or coffee
  • * Bread, Drink (Wine, water, beer or soft drinks)
  • **Monday to Friday and the kitchen open from 12:30 am to 4:00 pm
  • Lunch menu
  • Mamacafé
  • 19,50 Euros
  • -First
  • -Second
  • -Dessert or coffee
  • * Bread, 1 bottle of wine (for every 2 people) and water
  • **Saturdays and holidays, open kitchen from 12:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Weekend and holidays menu
  • Mamacafé
  • 35 Euros
  • -Appetizer
  • -First
  • -Second
  • -Dessert and coffee
  • * Bread, 1 bottle of wine (for every 2 people) and water
  • **Minimum booking of 15 people and booking 2 days in advance
  • Menu ravalejar night


